Growing Together for a Better Tomorrow
UU Justice Ministry of California is grateful to have you as our dedicated and love-filled community partners. With your support, we will advance justice across California by cultivating and connecting leaders, supporting local community initiatives, and empowering the public voice of those who share our UU values and principles.
We are creating new ways to #ReimagineCommUUnity by deepening our UU values through our lived principles.
As we #ReimagineCommUUnity, we are looking towards new ways of engagement with our #UUCongregations and #UUCommUUnity.
Over the next several months we will be asking you, How can UUJMCA support your justice initiatives?
UUJMCA has a history of partnering with organizations and communities to network, collaborate and join together to find faith-based solutions to social justice issues in California. During this time of regionalization across our UU institutions, we hope to strengthen our partnerships with you by transitioning UUJMCA from an institution to a movement of UUs and others who are inspired to mobilize for justice across California.
We are inviting you to partner with us in new ways as individuals, in your congregation, and as community clusters. We will partner with UU congregations, community clusters, and YOU to provide local resources and training that supports the justice work in your community.
We are your partner in creating effective, systemic change in California.
Rooted in your feedback, we are working to outline an annual leadership conference to learn, collaborate, grow and connect. When we take the time to get to know each other and learn through others', we can deepen our own convictions and grow as partners towards a more liberated California.
Together, we will effect systemic change in California!
We are here to lift the voices of all UUs throughout California, therefore, we will be celebrating our youth!
In Spring of 2022, we are launching monthly BIPOC youth-led worship and programming that will engage UU youth in Justice Ministries across the State of California at the local and state levels by creating intentional space for our youth. We are looking forward to a summer of youth engagement in collaboration with youth from across California.
If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is that having a strong foundation and community can sustain us during uncertain times. During this time of year, as you consider where to make your end-of-year financial gifts, we invite you to #ReimagineYOURCommUUnity with UUJMCA.
Through your gifts of time, talent, and treasures we can build a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive California. We are glad that you are here and hope that you and your family are staying safe. Please contribute and support UUJMCA during this season of giving.
We are honored to have you as partners and look forward to connecting with you in 2022!
Partnering with UUJMCA today will make a tremendous difference in sustaining our work for collective liberation tomorrow.